Sample Completed Fellow Application

Fellow Application -...


Research or clinical grants received *:

List research or clinical grants received relevant to the specialty of pediatric hematology/oncology nursing. (3 points per grant, maximum 9 points)

Project Title

Granting Agency

Project Dates

Additional Materials: (Max. Characters: 5000)

If there are any remaining items that you believe should be considered in this section but you weren't sure where to put them, please describe those items here. Enter the points you have for each category in this section. The total field will automatically total after you save the page. Certifications (3 points per certification, maximum 6 points): List abstracts presented as

Section 2 Points*:

posters/papers at an APHON Annual Conferenc (1 point per presentation, maximum 6 points): Preconference (1 point per presentation, maximum 6 points): Presentations (1 point per presentation, maximum of 8 points): Invited Facult (3 points, if within 5 years; 2 points, if between 5-10 years ago; 1 point, if more than 10 years prior; maximum 12 points): Research and Clinical Review (3 points, if within 5 years; 2 points, if between 5-10 years ago; 1 point, if more than 10 years prior; maximum 12 points): Book Chapters (3 points, if within 5 years; 2 points, if between 5-10 years ago; 1 point, if more than 10 years prior; maximum 12 points): Editor or Author of a book (3 points, if within 5 years; 2 points, if between 5-10 years ago; 1 point, if more than 10 years prior; maximum 12 points): Content Reviewer (1 point per instance, maximum 4 points): Editor or on an editorial board (2 points per publication, maximum 8 points): Research or clinical grants received (3 points per grant, maximum 9 points): Total (click Save to update):

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Feb 07, 2023 9:22:35 am CDT

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