Sample Completed Fellow Application

Fellow Application -...


APHON National*:

2 points per term, if more than 10 years prior; maximum 16 points Because members of the Professional Development Committee are ineligible for consideration while serving, you may claim the maximum points within 12 years of your term ending. APHON Position Years of Term

List any service as a member of an APHON committee or task force*:

(See a list of committees/task forces). Not eligible to earn points as a chair/co- chair and member of a committee or task force in the same year. (Note: For APHON chapter membership, only service as an executive board member is eligible for this category. Executive board members include president, VP, Secretary, and Treasurer.) 4 points per term, if within 5 years; 3 points per term, if between 5-10 years ago; 2 points per term, if more than 10 years prior; maximum 16 points

APHON National Committee Position*:

APHON National Committee Position

Years of Term

APHON Local Chapter Committee Position*:

APHON Local Chapter Committee Position

Years of Term

ONCC Committee Position*:

ONCC Committee Position

Years of Term

List participation as an invited faculty/presenter at an APHON educational offering*:

(e.g., Annual Conference, APHON-sponsored Spring Conference, APHON sponsored webinars/e-Learning, APHON Certification Review Course for CPON ® or CPHON ® exams.) (Presentation of concurrent sessions is not eligible for points for this entry.) 4 points per year, if within 5 years; 3 points per year, if between 5-10 years ago; 2

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