DRAFT 2023 Proposed Bylaws Changes

B. Each chapter may determine the composition of its membership. At least fifty- one (51) percent of the membership of the Local Chapter shall be registered nurses. After the chapter is chartered, all registered nurse members of the local chapter must become dues paying members of the national organization. Only those members who qualify for membership in the national organization shall have voting rights for the national organization. C. Each Local Chapter shall have at least four (4) meetings of an educational nature during each fiscal year. D. No chapter shall be or hold itself out to be an agent of APHON, Inc. Chapter Standing For a chapter to be in good standing it must support the purposes of APHON, meet requirements set out by these Bylaws and the Policies and Procedures of the organization, meet all financial obligations, file reports promptly, and participate in the annual meeting. Probation, Suspension, Revocation, or Dissolution A. The Local Chapter may be placed on probation by the board of directors for failure to comply with these Bylaws and established policies and procedures of the national organization. The board will notify the Local Chapter membership in writing that the Chapter is on probation. The Local Chapter will have two months to meet the necessary requirements and be removed from probationary status. Failure to comply will result in suspension. B. The activities of a Local Chapter may be suspended by the board of directors for failure to comply with these Bylaws and established Policies and Procedures of the national organization. C. Upon recommendation of the board of directors, the Local Chapter status may be withdrawn by a majority vote of those members of the general membership present and voting at the annual meeting. D. A Local Chapter may dissolve itself. E. Upon dissolution of a Local Chapter all cash and other assets remaining after the payment of all debts shall be paid to APHON or any other appropriate private nonprofit organization approved by the National Board of Directors. Reactivation and Reinstatement of a Chapter A. A chapter may be reactivated following suspension by three-fourths (3/4) vote of the board of directors.


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