Leadership Development Committee shall be three (3) years. The term of service will commence at the beginning of the annual meeting in the year of the election and conclude just prior to the annual meeting three (3) years later. Two (2) members shall be appointed in the first year of the three-year rotation, two (2) in the second year, and one (1) in the third year. A Leadership Development Committee member shall serve no more than one (1) term. Vacancies on the Leadership Development Committee shall be filled by appointment by the board of directors with appointees to serve the remainder of the vacated term. If the office of chairperson becomes vacant, the previous chairperson will resume the office until their successor assumes the role of immediate past-president.
Deleted: Nominations Deleted: Deleted: Deleted: elected by ballot Deleted: Nominations Deleted: two Deleted: 2 Deleted: consecutive Deleted: s
Deleted: The chairperson of the Nominations Leadership Development Committee shall elect a chairman-elect from among its members in the second year of their term each year during the annual meetingbe the immediate past-president of the association. Deleted: The chairman-elect from the previous year shall become chairman at the beginning of the annual meeting each year. Deleted: Nominations Deleted:
Section 7.
Administrative project teams shall dissolve at the completion of their project.
Section 1.
Organization of a New Chapter A.
Deleted: chairman Deleted: his or her
A chapter may be established when there are six (6) Registered Nurses who are APHON members within a defined geographical area who desire to form a chapter. B. The group desiring to form a chapter shall petition the APHON Board of Directors and comply with the established policies and procedures. C. The APHON Board of Directors shall approve the admission of each new chapter by a three-fourths (3/4) vote for a one year (1) organizational period. During the organizational year, the Local Chapter shall elect officers, adopt By-laws which are not in conflict with the By-laws, policies, and regulations of the National Organization. During this organizational year, the Local Chapter shall establish programs, solicit members, and demonstrate dedication to the purposes of APHON. D. At the end of the organizational year or at the first annual meeting following this time, a representative from the Local Chapter shall present an annual report to the general membership. If the Local Chapter requires more time to meet its objectives, an extension of up to one year may be granted by the board. E. A chapter may become a permanent chapter in good standing by a majority vote of those members present and voting at the annual meeting. Powers, Duties, Responsibilities A. Each chapter shall determine the amount of its dues and assessments and the method of collecting these dues.
Deleted: chairman-elect shall automatically succeed to the office of chairman, and a new chairman-elect shall be elected by the committee from among those members serving the second year of their three-year term.…
Section 2.
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