The secretary and treasurer shall serve for staggered (i.e., not elected in the same year) three (3) year terms or until their successors are duly elected. The board of directors shall consist of the officers and five (5) members of the organization elected by the membership large through a slate election process that is prepared by the Leadership Development Committee. The five (5) at large members of the board of directors shall serve for a term of three (3) years or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. The five (5) at-large directors shall be elected to staggered terms, in consecutive three-year rotations. There shall be an Executive Committee composed of the officers, which shall have all the powers of the board of directors to transact business between board meetings in accordance with rules established by the board. Actions required between board meetings shall be ratified at the next meeting of the board of directors. Nominations for president-elect, secretary, treasurer, and at-large directors shall be made by the Leadership Development Committee. Candidates for president-elect shall have completed at least five (5) continuous years of membership, candidates for secretary and treasurer shall have completed at least four (4) continuous years of membership, and candidates for director at large and Leadership Development Committee shall have completed at least two (2) continuous years of membership. Membership status of each candidate must be current and continuous for the required number of years measured retrospectively from the nomination application deadline. The Leadership Development Committee shall report their selections for presentation to and approval by the Board of Directors prior to the annual meeting. The president shall be the Chief Elected Officer of the organization. The president shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the board. The president shall appoint the vice chairperson (who will automatically succeed to the chairperson position) of all committees, except the Leadership Development Committee, subject to approval of the board. The president shall designate members of the board to act as board liaison for all committees. The president-elect or immediate past-president (depending on the term) shall preside at the meetings of the organization and of the board in the absence of the president. In the event of the disability of the president, the president-elect shall become acting president with all the powers of the president. If there is no president-elect in office in the event of the disability of the president, succession shall proceed as defined in Section 11. The secretary shall keep the records and papers of the organization and shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the organization and of the board. The secretary shall perform such other duties as the board may assign. The treasurer shall supervise the financial affairs of the organization and shall be required to submit an annual accounting and proposed budget, both of which shall be subject to approval by the board of directors.
Section 2.
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Section 3.
Section 4.
Deleted: Nominations Deleted: Deleted: nominating Deleted: c
Deleted: Nominations Deleted: to the president of directors no later than sixty (60) days prior to the election. Names of all slated candidates nominees shall be published and disseminated to each member no later than thirty (30) days prior to the election. The names of all properly nominated candidates shall appear on the Official Ballot. Write in votes shall be permitted. Deleted: The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for each elected position shall be declared to be elected. All elections shall be held Deleted: except those elections held to fill vacancies which occur between annual meetings. Elections may be held by any means permitted by law. Tie votes shall be broken by the drawing of lots. Deleted: Executive Deleted: Nominations Deleted: Deleted: Deleted: The treasurer shall collect the annual dues of all members and shall keep account for the organization. The treasurer shall have custody of the funds of the organization, and shall be authorized to open a bank account in the name of the organization. Deleted: The treasurer Deleted: approved Deleted: before the start of the new fiscal year.
Section 5.
Section 6.
Section 7.
Section 8.
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