Position Paper on HPV Immunization

 The pediatric hematology/oncology nurse should have an understanding of how children,

adolescents, and young adults with hematologic and oncologic diseases can access the

HPV vaccine.

Support of Future Research

APHON recognizes the need for continued research regarding the HPV vaccine to: 1)

determine the immunogenicity of the vaccine in cancer survivors to ensure the vaccine affords

these survivors adequate protection against HPV and 2) increase the low uptake of HPV

vaccination in the population of children, adolescents, and young adults with hematologic and

oncologic diseases.


PAYA with hematologic and oncologic disorders are missing opportunities to receive the

HPV vaccine, and vaccination uptake in this population is low. Pediatric hematology/oncology

nurses have the opportunity to promote HPV vaccination among PAYA hematology/oncology

patients and have the responsibility to discuss cancer prevention strategies, including the HPV

vaccine, with their patients. APHON supports the promotion of the HPV vaccine as a crucial part

of clinical practice for pediatric hematology/oncology nurses.

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