A Family Guide to Non-Oncologic Blood Disorders
Printing Instructions
To Print a Single Fact Sheet To print a fact sheet, click the printer icon in the toolbar or select “File” and “Print.” Doing this will open the Print dialog box. The default print range setting for PDFs is “All,” which means that all the fact sheets will print unless the print range is changed. To print a single fact sheet, locate the “Print Range” section of the Print dialog box and select “Current Page.”Select “OK” and the fact sheet you are viewing will print. To Print all Fact Sheets To print all the fact sheets, click the printer icon in the toolbar or select “File” and “Print.” Doing this will open the Print dialog box. Select “OK” and all the medication fact sheets will print. To Navigate the Fact Sheets When opening the PDF in Adobe Reader or Acrobat, click on the icon that looks like a ribbon on the left-side toolbar in the docu- ment. This will show the table of contents. From here, you can navigate between the fact sheets in both the English and Spanish versions. If the toolbar is not visible when first opening the document, click on “View” at the top, then hover over “Show/Hide”, then “Navigation Panes”, and select “Bookmarks”.
Copyright © 2018 Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses 8735 W. Higgins Road, Suite 300 Chicago, IL 60631 847.375.4724/877.375.6478 (fax)
info@aphon.org www.aphon.org All rights reserved. APHON grants the user of this product permission to print and reproduce copies as necessary for patient use.
Disclaimer The Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses (APHON) does not intend for any of the specific information contained in this product to be absolute or without individual patient or institutional exception. APHON takes no responsibility for the accu- racy of the material presented, which is offered here only as information that is potentially useful for readers. Furthermore, APHON in no way endorses any of the hematology or oncology treatments included in these fact sheets.
Printing Instructions
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