Osteosarcoma Patient & Family Handbook

n HOW CAN I WORK WITH MY CHILD’S HEALTHCARE TEAM? Your child’s care requires a team approach. Because you know your child better than anyone else, the medical staff will need your help to manage the disease. It is important to communicate openly. Be sure to question your child’s doctor or nurse whenever there is anything you are not sure about. It helps to write down your questions when you think of them.

Here are some examples of questions to ask: • What kind of cancer does my child have? • Has the cancer spread beyond the primary site? • What treatment choices are available? • What treatment do you recommend, and why? • What risks or side effects does the recommended treatment have? • What should we do to prepare for treatment? • What is my child’s outlook for survival? • What are the chances of a recurrence? Use this space to write down any additional questions.


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