Retinoblastoma Patient & Family Handbook


Written by: Mindy J. Lipson, MSN RN BC APRN With contributions by: Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo, MD Nancy Mansfield, PhD Christine Odom, MS CGC

Series edited by: Anna Hale, BSN CPN ®

Kathleen Adlard, MN RN CPON ® Karla Wilson, MSN RN FNP CPON ®

Parent reviewer: Missy A. Wagoner

Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Charles Pratt, who pioneered treatment for retinoblastoma at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital from 1970–2002.

ABOUT THIS COVER This cover is specially designed for your child to color and personalize. When your child finishes deco- rating the cover, return it to the clinic or doctor’s office where you received the handbook. Your child’s healthcare provider will then send it to APHON for posting on the APHON website. This handbook is published by the Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses (APHON) for educational pur- poses only. The material has been developed by sources believed to be reliable. The material is not intended to represent the only acceptable or safe treatment of retinoblastoma. Under certain circumstances or conditions, additional or different treatment may be required. As new research and clinical experience expand the sources of information available concerning the treatment of retinoblastoma, adjustments in treatment and drug therapy may be required. APHON makes no warranty, guarantee, or other representation, express or implied, as to the validity or sufficiency of the treatments or related information contained in this handbook. Copyright © 2015 by the Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses 8735 W. Higgins Road, Suite 300 • Chicago, IL 60631 • 847.375.4724 Fax 847.734.8755 • •


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